Today 20 January 2022 we have Concluded a tremendous capacity building training in
Mogadishu. The training was about “training of journalists on reporting sexual violence and
following up of the handling of such cases in Somalia.
The workshop is participated by forty journalists draw from local media houses Mogadishu-
based and human right activists of both genders.
Basic Essential tips on interviewing survivor of sexual violence, Techniques of gathering and
reporting of sexual violence stories, Legal framework regulating the offense of sexual violence in
Somalia and. etc., there was some among the most effective sessions learned and discussed in the
days of the workshop. During the workshop the participants was imparted a various lesson
related on gender-based violence.
The Training was opened by the General director of information Culture and Tourism FGS
Abdullahi Hayir Duale who was a part of the invited Guest, said “Journalists can be very
involved in reporting on the cases, encouraging that victim, reporting on the truth, and assisting
law enforcement, the judiciary and the security services in dealing with the incident, which has
led to be less happen sexual violence. I hope you to take reward of the training and apply what
you have learned to your jobs,”.
Ms Sahra Mohamed Ahmed SWDC Director General was a member of the invited guests, who
has been working for the last three decades on women empowerment and some other
government officials and non-governmental organizations.
Also has speech there kafia Naleie the coordinator programme of Media Women Network and
she mentioned that MWN is dedicated to the development of women in the media, and for the
past three years has been working to empower women in the management of media industries.
“we are working capacity building for Journalist particularly female journalists, today we are
here to conduct this training on reporting sexual violence and following up of the handling of
such cases in Somalia, hopefully will help their career and how to report Sexual violence cases,”.
Safia Mohamed Noor Was Among the brilliant well participated individuals “As a woman, we
face a lot of harassment and abuse in the society due to the Somali culture such as: Mental abuse/
Financial abuse, Emotional abuse, physical abuse” said.